Examining the Intersection of Theatre and Social Issues

Executive Director, Natasha A. Jackson, and Artistic Director, J. Mardrice Henderson, of Reclaiming Our Time Productions kickoff Artistry Avenue. Artistry Avenue examines the intersection of theatre and social issues.

Everyone wants a seat at the table! However, how do we navigate having a seat at the table that comes with restrictions or with unknown, limited access? In this episode, we converse on the restrictiveness of being invited and the invisible parameters that come with said invitation.

Tyler Perry has achieved great success, bringing Black voices and Black artists to the forefront! From theatre to television to feature films, his fingerprint on the industry can not be ignored. However, at what cost? In this episode, we discuss just how much of an influence Mr. Perry and his work has had on BIPOC artistry. Join the conversation…

Episode 3 – Professional vs. Professionalism

What does it mean to be a professional? Natasha, J. Mardrice and J. Ra’Chel converse on the difference between title of professional and the character of professionalism. Unfortunately, the two aren’t mutually exclusive. Explore the differences with us as we tackle worth ethic, buzz words, and self-proclaimed hierarchy in both theatre and the real world. Join the conversation…

Natasha A. Jackson (Executive Director) received the opportunity to speak with Sean Hayden of Stage Combat: The Podcast. Stage Combat is an immersive storytelling experience as performing artists from all walks of life finally emerge from silence and speak up about their experiences in the theatre industry.

Please listen to Natasha’s featured episode below.

Sean [Hayden] continues to explore the problem with toxic stage managers and investigates whether our jobs can physically make us sick.

Content warning: STRONG language

Editing by Alex Griffith; Mixing and Sound Design by Justin Gerrish.