Frequently Asked Questions

What is the origin story of Reclaiming Our Time Productions?
The idea for Reclaiming Our Time (RecTime) Productions formed from several conversations and brainstorming sessions between Natasha A. Jackson and J. Mardrice Henderson. Together, they felt the need for a production company that not only showcases the stories of marginalized groups but cultivates the work of creatives who may be new to theatre. J. and Natasha surrounded themselves with a group of individuals with notable experience in acting, directing, dramaturgy, sound design, and stage management, therefore establishing a theatre collective

The vast experience of theatre that we share gives both insight and foresight to what is lacking in theatre today. Our conversations are filled with brainstorming sessions, areas where we can provide improvement, and genuine concern for each other and our theatre community.

Why the name “Reclaiming Our Time”?
There is a distinct, rich history of theatre in Africa. Ancient caves in Africa are widespread with wall painting and drawings that suggest rituals that were theatrical in nature. These drawings qualify the belief that those of the African diaspora are the foundation of modern- day theatre. However, the stories of these individuals are often marginalized or confined to certain parts of the year. Our organization plans to change that narrative. Through professional development and creative empowerment, RecTime looks to shift the paradigm of BIPOC theatre by reclaiming our history, reclaiming our contributions, reclaiming our time!

What sets RecTime apart?
Theatre productions are at the center of the RecTime. However, we believe that through growth and development of skills, we can give back to the audiences that we have served. RecTime plans to incorporate programs in varying sects of theatre, provide series and workshops that develop and showcase new works, and partner with educational institutions to provide arts education to students
interested in all aspects of theatre.

Are there specific groups/organizations with whom RecTime is willing to partner?
We are open to collaborating with organizations that align with our vision. Our inaugural season is currently established. Yet, we are excited for what collaborations are to come.

Where will I be able to see RecTime productions?
We have some exciting news coming regarding our first theatrical production. Stay tuned to our website for upcoming and current news. There will also be online outlets, community events, and social media announcements.